Finding Rest - An Invitation

Busyness has a way of running us down—overtaking our lives! But an overfilled schedule can quickly lead to “survival”—fighting just to keep our head above water. This can't be the life we were meant to live! Isn't there another way?

The Tourist & The Pilgrim

Religion in our time has been captured by the tourist mindset. Religion is understood as a visit to an attractive site to be made when we have adequate leisure. But to be a Pilgrim means we are people who spend our lives going someplace, going to God, and whose path for getting there is the way, Jesus Christ.

FAQ: Women In Ministry?

We are witnessing the God who elevates and affirms women—the God who raises the valley and brings mountains low—the God who levels the playing field—the God who invites every follower of Christ to be an equally legitimate member of His family, using the gifts He’s given each one of us to further His mission here on earth. 

Start With A Story: How To Change The Mind

To change a mind made up may seem near-impossible. Over the years, we gather and filter data and experiences, adding our own meanings, making assumptions, drawing conclusions and adopting beliefs about the way things have to be, which directly impacts how we respond to the world. So how do you shift the paradigm?

Why I Quit Church

In this short story, Joe shares the history of his past involvement in the church, leading up to the moment he walked away from it all. But that's not where it ends! 

Family Church (Part 3)

In Part 3, we want to share another example from an every-day family with kids of all ages. As the series continues, we hope you're beginning to see that no two families are alike, yet every household holds the potential to be a training ground for walking out our faith in real life.

Family Church (Part 2)

In Part 2, we want to share another example of what Family Church looks like in another household. Multiple illustrations are so valuable because no two families are alike. What works in our home may not work in yours. So we're hoping this blog series will simply encourage you to explore discipleship in your family's context.

Family Church (Part 1)

Family Church is what we call the dedicated "sacred" time we spend with our kids each week. We eliminate all outside distractions. We set work aside. We enjoy each other's company. We turn our attention toward God. We invite His presence into our home to interact with us, teach us, and renew us. It's beautiful and it's simple.